What salt does everyone use


I am currently using instant ocean salt which is fine but I’m looking for something better. What is a good salt that people use
TM Pro, Redsea Pro, Redsea Blue

Currently using 3 different salts for different tanks. In the process of consolidating to two salt mixes.

Redsea mixes pretty clean. There are usually a few sand or dirt particles on the bottom of the mixing container after mixing. The issue that I have with Redsea salt is that per the instructions the salt shouldn’t be mixed for more than 4 hours. I usually keep a power head running inside of the mixing container. Redsea salt will precipitate a small percentage if continually mixed and the water turns cloudy. The cloudy water makes me think there is something wrong with it.

I’m switching most of the tanks over to TM Pro. TM Pro can be stored for long periodic time without looking cloudy.
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I went from reef Crystal's to instant ocean purple box. I dose every day and no need to pay for the expensive salt mix
What is better? Who knows....
Pick one salt and stick with it. If you can afford the more expensive salt, go for it. But switching salt back and forth to search for that ideality is futile.
I say this over and over again. Your water change shouldn't be the driving factor of your parameters.
Tropic Marin pro. I still have to clean my mixing tank but not as often as with aquaforest or hw marine. I did notice better chato growth with the hw.
After seeing time after time the crap left behind from reef crystals I’m sticking with TMP. Not that I have any evidence the brown residue has any effect in the tank, I just hate to see if and have an ocd need to clean it. TMP is crystal clear, every time in an hour. Most important thing is stability. Run your tank at 10 dkh then you’ll need to dose alk in TMP. Pick one, figure out how it relates to your tank and go from there. Adjusting parameters of FMSW is cheap so regular IO deserves a look because amazon basically gives it away for a green slimer frag and a reach around.
The brown solid left behind from IO salt is anti caking reagent and bacteria growth. It is harmless. It extends the shelf life for the salt.

The price difference of salt mixes are mainly based on profit and shipping cost. It cost a lot to bring the heavy boxes and buckets oversea, but the shipping cost is dramatically reduced if shipping within US.

IO, Reefcrystal salt are made in US. All salts are based on public formulas with a little bit of touches from different manufacturers. But all will do fine in your tank.
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IO salt is inexpensive not due to lesser quality, it is due to the mass amount it is produced.
Many public aquariums use IO salt, if I remember correctly, the whale pool at the Mystic aquatium is IO salt. (Using local natural seawater May not be the best idea in many situations).
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