Where are members tanks / build threads supposed to be ?


I find this odd with BRS . There is not a members tanks area thread ? Seems most people place them in the photo section or reef talk ..
It also seems some threads or posts are deleted to make space on the site ..

Just asking >>>
I was wondering the same thing myself when I started my build thread the other day. I ended up putting it in the diy section but I think I am going to have it moved.
Chris ,

Where u moving ur thread to?
I am close to complete with a new tank in progress .
I have a ton of progress pics too just haven't posted or put together an actual thread yet
There has never been a specific place it has always been optional. We were hoping once the blog section was active the members would utilize that feature for the purpose of tank build blogs. But the Blogs have pretty much not been used at all. If the blog system was used then the FTOTM would be easier to run.

Also the nice part about the blogs is it gives the person more control over the post.

Just a note Threads are not deleted. there have been tank threads in the past where everyone post a picture of there tank but over time the fall off and get forgotten
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Maybe ill look into the blogs. Read a few on here but never looked into making one. Thanks Greg
If you have any questions on the blog system LMK.

The Edit button in hard to find you have to hover over the end of the title to Find it, it is a pencil. Just click the pencil to go back and edit the original blog
Thanks Greg .
I guess it would seem to be the logical choice for a build thread ..
I'll look into it . It might be fun ...
No worries .. No harm done at all .
In order to have a blog does one have to keep and active membership ?
I apologize , a lil lazy atm to read the blog rules if they are there ...
Just a note if you upload your images(attached) inline then you can write between the photos. They show like [attachment] 1234567[/attachment] and you can move them around as you wish.

And you can updated as you go.

No, at this time, you do not have to be a member to post a blog.
TY Greg
Still getting the hang of it . I did start on it . The inline portion has me confused but I guess it's all part of the learning curve .
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