Which Tang


I am looking to add a tang to my tank. I really like the Yellow Tang, seems like every reef tank should have one but I am wondering if I would be better off with a Tomini/Bristletooth tang or a scopas for their ability to graze the rocks and eat off any nuisance algae. I have a red turf type algae growing now plus I keep Chaeto and Caleurpa in my fuge and sometimes that makes it's way into the tank . I have some Claeurpa now that is rooted in the back corner.

My tank is a red sea reefer 450 5 feet long by I believe 20" deep so a decent sized tank for these types of tangs. Would the Yellow tang be just as utilitarian as any of the others or would a different tang be recommended.
I have a mimic tang. Awesome little cleaner. I have seen Kole eyes and other bristle rants do good rock work, but so does my Angel, Fox face, and mimic.

Someone had an awesome little tang on here recently. Forget the type but it is the same family as the yellow.

IMO of having 3 types of tangs I would say any would work for that. But again since I have always gad a rabbit fish to graze as well I can’t say it wasn’t them.
Hi Mike,
I've expressed my fondness for the White Tail Bristle before and I still think it's one of the more uncommon tang. I like it for the red(for a tang). I like it for its small(er) size and the constant grazing around the tank.
For a 59"(I'll give you 5')x22" footprint. I think you can do both the yellow and the Bristle.
I like the two spot bristletooth for there grazing and smaller size. They also have a shimmer to them that’s really pretty