Whose never been to a meeting?

I havent been to a meeting and would if meetings were held?

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  • Poll closed .
wakefield is fine with me, I dont mind the drive. Just get it out of the claustrophobic library! If your going to drive there and find a place to park, you should at least be able to fit in the room and not have to stand in the hall with all the coolers that couldnt fit in the room either!
I can't argue with doing meetings in different areas, but I think they should still be central locations, and accessible by major highways. Braintree, Wakefield, Waltham, for example, are on different ends of Boston, but still within the central area of our membership, I would think. Hyannis, on the other hand, while close to a fair number of members, is certainly not anywhere near the center of our member distribution, and IMO is not a sensible location to have a meeting. People who live in Cambridge are probably going to drive less for meetings than people who live in Williamstown. There's really no way around that.
FWIW I'm in a central location so it is really not a big difference to me to drive to Andover, Marlborough or Bridgewater. My concern is based on the reaction of several members living north when we had the meeting at Dawn's place. Several members argued it would bee too much of a drive and they wouldn't be able to go. As ducker very well said, it will fragment the membership.
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I think Armandos point is that meetings held either in the northern or southern extreme of our area will be a PIA to a bunch of people on the other end. That's why meetings tend to be closer to Boston. Not because the South End power players are pulling the strings, but because it is easiest for everyone if we meet somewhere in the middle of our member area.

Nate (I wish I hadn't gotten into this, but I am weak and will not stop)
They are. If we host a meeting in North Andover we will probably not see folks from Bridgewater/RI/Cape folks in the meeting.
Here i come to stir the pot again . . .

So are any of you who are so adamantly arguing this issue going to run for office? I know Ed already volunteers a great deal of time for the club and LittleP proved his dedication during MACNA. What about the rest of you? Are you simply those who will criticize on the website or are you people who are truly interested in improving the operation of the BRS? Intersted enough to throw your hat in the ring?

I'm not saying that those of you who only comment on the web have less valid opinions, quite the contrary. There are alot of good opinions here but these things are very rarely resolved without face-to-face meetings, votes by the BOD, actions by the officers, etc. This is not meant as an attack on anyone, simply a question based on observations made over the past two years.
Nate, agree - some discretion and consideration for a club this large. North, South, West. Break it up, now and again. Within the 495 boundary would make sense. South end power players? Just call me persistent and unable to accept..........never mind.

Should MACNA always be in the same location? Would any of you have ever gone to MACNA if it hadnt come to Boston?

Should the Superbowl always be held in the same stadium somewhere centrally located? Or should each divisions playoffs just be the end of the season?
I started a demographics poll to see where people actually live.. regardless if they have been to a meeting or not..

Rob- What does having an opinion and trying to improve things have to do with running for office?? or MACNA?? Another senseless post...
Yaktop said:
South end power players?

Actually I was referring to the South End in Boston. Theres a certain reefer in this discussion who hails from there. It was a humorous. Chuckle now and nobody'll notice you missed it. ;)

stang8s said:
I started a demographics poll to see where people actually live.. regardless if they have been to a meeting or not..

Polls dont do the deed, but best we have Stang. I wonder if the BOD has membership addresses of the 700 listed that we could use.

Nate, part polish - still dont get it!
OH! You're Ed Potkay! I was wondering who this dude was that wanted Cheato. Just noticed your alias. So I guess we're even on the slow-takes.

Armando lives in the South End, but I'm afraid there's not much humor in the original reference any more. Sorry for the super-subtlety!

I was just asking if any of you who have been so vocal and involved in this thread are considering running for office. Obviously some of you either a) have too much free time or b) feel strongly enough about where this sibject is heading to keep voicing your opinion. If the answer is the latter (which I suspect it is in most cases) Im curious if anyone is running for office.

This issue is not something that will be resolved here on the website. While your opinions will be taken into account, the issue will be brought up in a BOD meeting and be put to a vote. So no matter how much people post here unless they participate they have no real say in where this goes. Unless of course you trust that the majority of the officers and BOD represent your opinion specifically. That is where the tie-in is.
And Ed is right, polls here prove nothing. Of the polls Ive seen we usually get less than 10% of the people registered here to respond to the poll. The registered members here represent only half of the members and friends of the BRS. Hell, according to my RSVP for Saturday poll there are only going to be 20 people in wakefield on saturday so far :)

Polls are fun though :D
RobboT said:
I was just asking if any of you who have been so vocal and involved in this thread are considering running for office. Obviously some of you either a) have too much free time or b) feel strongly enough about where this sibject is heading to keep voicing your opinion. If the answer is the latter (which I suspect it is in most cases) Im curious if anyone is running for office.

This issue is not something that will be resolved here on the website. While your opinions will be taken into account, the issue will be brought up in a BOD meeting and be put to a vote. So no matter how much people post here unless they participate they have no real say in where this goes. Unless of course you trust that the majority of the officers and BOD represent your opinion specifically. That is where the tie-in is.

Which category do you fall into?
Yes i trust that the BOD would want to take into considoration opinions of people in the club. Isnt that who they are supposed to be representing and why the club voted for them to hold the positions?

Personally I dont care where the meetings are held, just as long as they are in a bigger room. I think anyone on the BOD or otherwise can agree that the room is too small. So I was simply trying to help locate such a room since this is what the BOD has always asked people to help do.

So you are suggesting that nobody do or say anything unless they plan on running for office?? Doesnt make sense to me. Im not sure if you are trying to tell us 1)that we are stupid and wasting out time talking about it and thats the way it should be run or that 2)there is some sort of conspiracy and the bod only look out for the bod so you have to be one of them to have any say.

I dont plan on running, I have no time, its hard enough for me to get the 1 day a month to make the meetings. So i guess i should have no opinion and not try and help find a new venue.
I have never gone to a meeting, I kind of want to get a little more experience and finish my tank before I go. I am not quite where i want to be in the hobby yet.
Been doing some research on RC & found they there are quite a few groups that move there meetings around. Look at CARS , they been doing it at halls,lfs & this month a 2 day meeting at a college. I contacted some of there members & they seem to like it & it's been work good for them. I don't know about any of you but I sick of the same old,same old. When Gerri & I go to meetings after the meeting we like to check out something weather it's a LFS ,other event , something that catches our eye or go to eat some place we have never been. If it works for other groups , it can work for ours. Yes, we are a large group that is spread out but we could become closer if everybody felt they mattered. Moving meetings around ,I think would help a great deal & we could grow much stronger as a group !
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