why homedepot doesn't carry bulkheads

Actually..... I think I have seen them with the water heater spilage pans that you can buy to go under our water heaters :)
I found a pool supply store had decent prices & stock on some plumbing items. But these are usually the larger sizes
speaking of plumbing.... does anyone know where I can find clear and concise illustrated plans on how to set up (and all the in's and out's of) a sump system? I just picked up a 125 and would like info on how to get started.
thanks Nate 'preciate the info. I was starting to think that the sump thing was all "EYES ONLY" stuff and if I was told how it works it would be the end of me....he he he
Wow! just went to melevsreef and its exactly what I needed thank you so much Nate. I think I'll sign of and go cram my cranium.
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