Wife approved upgrade arrives!

FTS from the front.
Compared to the last time you can see the algae difference.
And now for a rant....
I buy a pH probe. It won't plug into the Apex Jr. So I order the Neptune PM1 module...its shows up today. Hey ready to go right! now I can hook this up, fire up the dosing pumps! Ah no... need to calibrate the probe - no big deal right... well only if you have the calibration solutions that and I quote "...should cost less than $2 a piece". Now... wouldn't you think that something less than 2 dollars could be included with either the probe or the module??? :mad: Reminds me of the caliper grease packages at autoparts stores. I mean really ///
The Apex stuff has overall been good. It has plugged and played and worked as advertised. Compared to the that which shall not be mentioned system I had before, I'll take it!
Sure I have my design and terminology disagreements with it, but I'm picky and evidently easily frustrated by things like NOT GIVING ME THE BLOODY CALIBRATION SOLUTIONS THAT COST LESS THAN 2 EACH! AHHHGGRRRGGHHHHHH
I mean yeah sure I can and again I quote "...buy it from an LFS or our store". But I WANTED TO HOOK UP THIS PROBE - NOW!!!! Not who knows when I'll be able to buy it.
Its a good thing I'm not sticking my hand in this tank today - that clown goes after me in my current state... it could get ugly - I am in no mood to take any kind of business from a fish. I hope to put some hooks in fishes mouths on Sunday.
The Apex is finally fully operational. I like this site very much - very helpful: http://www.reeftronics.net/adpg/dosingcalc.php/
Here is a video update of the tank - got some new corals last night. I figured since I can't seem to take still photos that are any good, why not make a video with cruddy color balance and poor sound quality. That'll be a crowd pleaser for sure!
Yeah! Photobucket is back on line and they fixed the Folder upload too SWEET!
Time for one of those update tons of stuff posts!.
The side view
The catwalk view. Dude get rid of the buckets will yah?!? And at least move the scraper. Have some pride man.

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I find its useful to document growth by using pictures. Because if you take a picture of say a coral or a kid, then in a few months or years later take a picture of that very same coral or kid, you hopefully will see that it has grown.
Haven't posted an update in a while...

Things were on cruise control till...
Aiptasia starting to get a bit too populous... tried a filefish which summarily died the next day (odd)

I decided to fiddle with my lighting settings - noticed "hey the LED's are only running at 50%"... lets increase that! Started seeing dieoffs weeks later, suspiciously at the top of the tank. The dieoff started causing other corals to start going south. Lost a few small colonies.

Then we had a power outage for a day. But no damage thankfully!
Then my return pump controller failed - maybe all the power flickering etc got it? who knows. Anyhow Ecotech made good and I've got a new pump on the way (those guys are great!)

Now though, through many water changes and resetting the lights back to their original settings, my new pump gets here tomorrow. Things are on the mend.

I may even take some pictures!
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