X10 lamp module with fan or powerhead?


I'm going to be setting up an AquaController II, which uses X10, and I want to know if anyone has experience using an X10 lamp controller module as an outlet for cooling fans or with a powerhead? The cool thing about lamp modules is you can set output from 0 to 100%, but I don't know if fans or powerheads are designed to work that way (the modules say "do not use with appliances"). I don't know enough about electrical systems to know if by experimenting with it I'm risking burning out the motor, or I'm risking burning down the house. Big difference.
most likely will not work correctly. you need an appliance module, the fan may work ok. long term I cant say.
I've done a little reading the last couple days, and every time I've seen X10 mentioned, there's a warning not to use the lamp modules with anything other than lamps, so I'm going to go with that advice.
have you used x10 before? be careful with it, they can trigger on their own. I have them here and have a level tester. if you have too much noise and not enough level then things trigger on their own or not at all. test them out before you hook them up to something important
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