? Lighting Requirements for a 20g Long QT/Coral Tank ?

Flame Angel

Past BRS Pres/2016MOD
Staff member
I have set up a couple of tanks to get together a QT system for frags and fish. This is all in the planning stages of the big move.

I guess what my question is in regards to corals more than anything. What is the minumum lighting I can get a way with for a 20g long and keep frags in it? The tank is obviously not that deep, so I would think I could get away without MH. I would like to go T5 or LED, but do not want to invest the big dollars into a QT system for frags yet.

Now if I go with a T5 set up, obviously I need a 30" long light, but what is the minimum bulbs and watts do I need?

one white, one blue, but is a 24watt system enough?

What do you think? Keeping in mind I do not want to spend a bunch of money like everyone else in the hobby.
What are you planning on growing SPS, LPS, polyps - the lighting requirements will drastically differ?

If you're budget covers ~$100 for a fixture with decent bulbs (or even better $140 for the fixture with 2x upgraded bulbs) I would recommend the Deep Blue SolarMax T5HO fixtures in the link below:


I have the 30" 24w x2 fixture over a 20g breeder (tank is ~12" high) and it is perfect for all types of coral as the wattage is limited per gallon but the reflectors are focusing the light into a smaller cone so the intensity is still present for growing light-hungry coral. The stock bulbs are pretty decent and will sustain virtually any non ultra-sensitive coral out of the box. The $20 bulb upgrades are entirely worth it to promote better and more healthy radiation and growth but you should be fine with the starters. Since the intensity is a bit more focused you need to properly place LPS slightly away from the reflectors so they don't get roasted, etc.

I also use the 36" T5HO quad fixture over our 30g breeder display and clams, SPS, LPS, all love the lighting.

We have yet to have any displeased coral with both fixtures so this may be a reasonable starting point for you. If you're interested PM me and I can give you more details on the bulbs we have, pictures of the tanks under these lighting fixtures, etc.
JMO,I would go with at least a 4 bulb T5 over a 20L.
I have a 20L qt and 2 really is not enough for corals.
JMO,I would go with at least a 4 bulb T5 over a 20L.
I have a 20L qt and 2 really is not enough for corals.

I definitely agree with this - depending on what is being grown within the tank. The polyps and LPS in my tank are thriving under the 2x bulb setup but would fry under the intensity of the 4x bulb (in-which SPS would thrive) as you need to bear in mind these fixtures sit directly above the tank with intensely focused reflectors and the tanks are only 12" high unless he has a special design. Just my opinion as well :)

QTing fish and anything other than SPS and a 2x bulb should do as long as you upgrade the bulbs (~$20 each).
the purpose of the tank is for QT or grow out? I think this changes the answer...................
depending on what you're keep a 2-3 par 30/38 bulbs would work...might get some shadowing but would get the job done until they are good to go in the display tank. a lot of times this option is cheaper than getting a t5 fixture.
the purpose of the tank is for QT or grow out? I think this changes the answer...................

Yes it does... There is actually two separate tanks. One for grow out of frags/isolation and one for QT of Fish, which I do not believe the lighting has to be that great for.

I was waiting to get called on that.
I've got a hang on tank MH fixture and 24" T5 fixture you can borrow instead of buying one if you want. You would probably need to hang the T5 fixture but it should work. They're just sitting in a storage bin so shoot me a PM if you want to borrow them.
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