Black ray with a yasha goby


BRS Member
So when finishing off my stock for my new tank I got a pair of black ray gobies. But one of them got stressed out from being caught at the LFS and didn’t make it through the night. They gave me credit as they aren’t getting more black ray gobies until Tuesday.

My concern is that getting a new black ray goby they may not pair off and live in the same burrow with my pair pistol shrimps who burrow together.

I’ve read that black ray gobies and yasha gobies will pair off.

So I’m trying to decide which option is most likely to workout for them living in the same burrow. Anyone have any thoughts?
I would not put my money on that, but yes it can happen I think when they are desperate for territory. In my experience with these type of gobies I have both in separate tank, it’s worth waiting for the right pairing. Or buying a few and wait for them to decide how they pair themselves. So far I prefer to keep each species in different tanks. A friend have been mixing 4 different species including yasha and black ray and so far they like to steal the shrimp from each other and sometimes tolerate inter species burrow sharing to get the shrimp.
I would not put my money on that, but yes it can happen I think when they are desperate for territory. In my experience with these type of gobies I have both in separate tank, it’s worth waiting for the right pairing. Or buying a few and wait for them to decide how they pair themselves. So far I prefer to keep each species in different tanks. A friend have been mixing 4 different species including yasha and black ray and so far they like to steal the shrimp from each other and sometimes tolerate inter species burrow sharing to get the shrimp.
That’s good info, thanks!