700 gallon system scematic


ScreenHunter_43 Dec. 27 05.31.jpgView attachment reef system.pdf https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B4sjgoLX4edCWUZIWTBlSjdROTQ First off, yes I have issues, now right to the geeky stuff. Attached is a link and a pic of my system schematic I created to help when my first controller arrives later this week. There are positives to the system i.e flexibility and negatives i.e. too many parts etc. But honestly building and tweaking is a big part of the hobby to me. I am a big fan of technology just for the sake of technology. At any rate here it is, feel free to suggest improvements, or take any info away from it. If there is interest, I will post the details / Functions / logic for the reef keeper system once I have it up and running. I hope to use some cool functions i.e. different "top off" sources based on water parameters etc.
Man, looks very intimidating. But if you cannot get it all into a shoebox the better half will notice.

Good luck! I am dying to see this all put together.

Plan, plan and plan some more. But not so much that nothing gets done.

To sum things up. WOW!
You need to look at the pdf for any real info the jpeg is no good. The system has been up since March, but I am sure it will keep changing.
I am into the mechanics as well. I truly enjoy building the equipment part of it.

Good Luck Derek