Actinic Supplementation / MOONLIGHTS?

I've often wondered about using these too. I think I noticed them in Ray Brillant's hood. You could ask him how they work. ("Ray")

You can get these for pretty cheap at Comp USA (I think $10-12), might be the same price after shipping from Ebay.

I don't think they'd do anything for actinic supplementation unless you had a very low light tank. Certainly not with MH.
yeah....250 DE MH on a 20 Long...gonna have to get some serious actinic supplementation if I decide to use actinic. Will probably end up with a 14K bulb after the 10K dies...if the 10K ever works (see other thread).

there seems to be blue cold cathodes, and UV cold cathodes....I assume the UV would be actinic, or close, right?
Ive got thesew on the girlfriends 12 gal, and they really dont add squat... and thats compared to a 70W MH. With the 250, youre going to need to go with T5's or VHOs to even see a difference. The cold Cathodes are only strong enough to use as moonlights. You wont see a change at all by adding em.

You and I are in the same boat. My 10,000 K bulb is so white, my hand looks like that of a cadaver whtn Im moving stuff around in my tank. I need to wait a year and get a 14/20 K, or get some t5/VHO lights.
I was thinking about them for moonlights.

FWIW, I use a mix of 2 10k and 1 20k MH instead of actinic supplementation, and I really like the color.
The 14K Hamilton DE really looks great IMO. Just the right blend of blue/white without any actinics supplem. Lets hope it stays the color it is, and not shift after break-in :rolleyes:
Ill post a pic when i get home tonight.
Ya you cant see them at all in my tank and I have 2 over it, unless the lights are off and then it looks like a good moonlight....oh it could be because of the 2x400 watt MHs drown them out.
I thought UV lights weren't reccommended for longterm exposure to reef animals? Do they sell similar that aren't UV?
Ray, how bright are they as moonlights? I've been looking for something to use as moons, but my current tank is a 37gal and I want to make sure it wouldn't be too bright.
D'oh!!!!!!!!!! I ordered these and they came this week. Of course they ONLY have power connectors that connect to a computer power supply. Ug :eek:.