any experience with Chloroquine Phosphate?


I decided to go the Chloroquine Phosphate route in my QT after observing some flashing on a small Blue Hippo tang. I should add I never did observe any other signs of ich in the 3 weeks he was in there before the treatment, never any white spots on him or any fish either so still could be treating nothing but after reading this article felt pretty safe as a prophylactic treatment

I am 7 days into a planned 14 day treatment and noticed white stringy poop floating in the tank and the Naso had a long string hanging from it so guessing some kind of worm.

It is hard to find info on CP with Prazi and I want to dose Prazi-Pro, should I wait until the treatment is over, any experience running them at the same time?

For anyone wondering so far things have been great, no more flashing and all fish are tolerating it really well and I am much more at ease than past experience with running cupramine, having lost fish during the treatment. Luckily I had access to a scale that I could measure out the exact dosage (my wife is a hardresser and has one to measure chemicals) to run at a recommended 15 mg/l, my tank required 5 grams as an initial dose and .5 grams per 10gallon water change.
In QT (90 gallon) I have a Juvenile Blonde Naso, Lieutenant tang, Blue Hippo, Anthias Trio and a dragon Goby. The Blonde Naso was my toughest fish to find, got it from DD and it was tiny and thin. I did not think it was going to make it, took 4 days to eat, very skinny sunken in stomach and super skittish but now 2.5 weeks later is eating like a champ and active like the rest of my fish in there so even he is tolerating the CP well.
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I don't have any experience with CP. But Prazipro can sometimes reduce appetite. Is there any harm in waiting the extra week for the CP treatment to be over before dosing Prazipro?
no harm as the suspected fish is eating well and no longer skinny, I just figure once the treatment is over a water change and carbon will need to be run before the system is cleared of the CP so we are really talking a couple weeks and most like to do 2 rounds of Prazi treatment so could be a month total and to be honest maintaining 3 tanks is really not a lot of fun, especially with the nice weather coming, but not looking to rush anything if it does not make sense.
maybe I can get an educated guess as to what this is in terms of worms or parasites, I suppose CP could be effecting it as this is the second time I have seen him like this since the treatment.

I know not the most pleasant picture to look at :p but any thoughts on what type of worm or parasite I am dealing from the way this looks?
