appropriate screen for fuge return pump intake


I have a Mag7 return pump for my fuge. What is the proper screen to attach to the pump intake that protects the pump from damage, but allows beneficial food to get to the display tank? The one that comes with the pump seems to be too fine?
If the pump has a threaded intake I have used a thread to slip 3/4 thread to one inch slip then take a four inch piece of pipe with about 6o 1/4 inch holes drilled in it and a slip on cap.don't glue it together so it can be taken apart every few months and can also use a threaded adapter and some nylon gutter screening to make a tube with a few tywraps
Hi willray - I'm new at this. I've read several posts and articles where the importance of a screen on the input was stressed, because large chucks of debris could damage the impeller. However, I saw arguments to the contrary as well. I know that cutting teeth in the divider will help keep snails out of the return, but I don't know if that is 100%. I also don't want to block anyhting the inhabitants in the display tank can use for food. My logic is that I would rather not use a screen if possible. Is pump damage in the return common without a screen?

Hi sumpmonkey - Thank you for that idea. Do you see any reduction in head when using this screen?
Hello you will see no decrease in head pressure as long as you have enough holes that is why i said like 60 you really only need about 30 3/16th holes.and snails will go every where.cutting teeth in an overflow will not stop them.In 20 plus years i can tell you honestly there is no such thing as snail proof.The best i have ever done is 99% snail resistant