Automatic fan control


25g Waterbox
I want my canopy fan to come on and off with a certain range of Water temp, like 79=off and 81=on. This needs to be a budget style project I can't afford a 200$-400$ controller. Marko in my other thread mentioned this:

MarkO said:
I use an Air Conditioner thermostat that has a metal probe. When the temp in the tank hits 80? (the temp it is currently set at), a fan kicks on above the tank. The evaporational cooling from this one 5" fan will lover the temp in my tank by 3?. But got to keep an eye on the evap. water.

I would like to know if this metal probe is in the water? (see RED text above) I am fairly sure that we can't have much metal in the tank besides titanium, right?

Anyone have any ideas? I can't run the fan all the time it actually cools my tank too much, go figure. I would really love it to be a little more automatic.

I can do the wiring myself, I have no problem splicing wires or whatever is necessary.

If you have any ideas at all please post or if you have an old temp controller or other old piece of gear that could help me out post or pm.

Thanks all
I would'nt use a metal probe.You can get a ranco controller for about $65 which will work pefectly.I use a couple and they work great.
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