Blue face angelfish


I am thinking of getting a Blue face Angelfish, he is about 10 inches ling and in great shape. He is going in a 210 with no other angelfish, a few tangs, trigger, bird wrasse, and a clown. He will be by far the biggest one in the tank. I do have some mushrooms and some Acropora( that I just can't kill). Has anyone had any experience with this before, I mean putting an angelfish in a (so-called) reef.
Also Should I freshwater dip him him before I put him in the 210. I have no hosp. tank that is big enough for him.
I don't want to miss out on this, 10 inch long for $149
thanks for any help:.
I have had good luck with queens and emperors in my reef tank over the years............ they would eat zoos but not many other corals

if you are not going to quarantine him i wouldn't put him in a freshwater dip. IMO it would just stress him and wouldn't really help that much.
thanks for the information, I had a computer crash so I had to wait till I got home to read and reply