Cladiella Expiring?


Hi All,

I have a beautiful Cladiella sp. (growing for almost a year now) that seems to be crashing almost overnight. It was once full and magnificent, throwing off branches that attach and grow themselves (I trade them for stuff at the local LFS, Boston area members may have them for free or trade if you pick them up). Those branches are all flourishing but the parent is a horrible blue-grey. It looks like a branch that has been without light for a while. Only change to tank are two Acropora (they are not too happy but doing adequately), water params are all good.

Is this a cyclical issue that will just go away? I have leathers that seem to get moody off and on. Could it be the neighbors? There is a Euphyllia downstream that is getting bigger and is close but not touching as far as I have seen. Are the Acroporas emitting something? Again, the parent colony is the only one suffering.

Any suggestions are welcome. I can post pix if that helps.

Thanks to all, Mike

P.S. As of last night the parent colony has been shedding some mucus and a few small spots appear to be getting their normal color back. Hard to tell this morning as my light doesn't go on till noon.
I don't think so, will check again tonight. Still, would expect same reaction from the child colonies if it is a chemical issue.
Here it is healthy...


Here it is now...


Sorry about the aspect, I am not used to dealing with the images...

Again, I have half a dozen healthy and growing offspring from the parent colony. They just pinch themselves off, float away, attach and start growing.

Any advice is welcome!
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