Coral Stocking Question


Reefing ain't Easy
My g/f complains that the tank is boring. She wants 100 colorful fish and since I have finally convinced her that isnt possible she wants more colorful coral What would yall suggest as some really bright (neon green, yello, red, orange) corals that i could add to make her happy. i got a 75g with 6x54w T5. TIA
My g/f complains that the tank is boring. She wants 100 colorful fish and since I have finally convinced her that isnt possible she wants more colorful coral What would yall suggest as some really bright (neon green, yello, red, orange) corals that i could add to make her happy. i got a 75g with 6x54w T5. TIA

You can try some Hammer coral, frogspawn, zoas/palys, and all time favorite sun corals.
I struggle with color in my tank. Most of the colorful stuff I have is on the bottom. A red Aussie Acan, red scoly, orange and green fungia, but all on the sand. Idaho gape is a great fast growing SPS plating coral that grows near the top as well as an Orange capricornus. I don't want a lot of SPS as I have a lot of LPS and some softies. I have torch, hammer, frogspawn and elegance that all add nice greens, colored tips and cool movement. The pulsing xenia is cool -- light pink but it grows like a weed. The way I want to add color now is buying small zoe frags to add color here and there and then unusual colored mushrooms to fill in spots. Also -- blastos come in some great colors too and can be stuck in here and there. I am not yet at the color combo I want but it is improving. I just bought a aqua colored tongue coral that is up on a rock but I may have to find a place in the sand for it eventually. HTH
I think zoas would be nice to add color. There are so many different colors available out there that you can fill your tank nicely with.
I think candy canes are beautiful and colorful. My neices love them because I let them feed them. Not a boring coral. AG had some really lovely teal colored ones. And how about critters for interest. I just added an emerald crab (despite some warnings) and I just find him so amusing.
Keep your eyes peeled for some nice Orange rics, these babies give some great pop in my tank.
