Crusher Mantis

Hi Rich, My understanding is that the smashers mostly eat stuff with shells, like snails and crabs. But if he got hungry who's to say?

By the way, this "Critters" forum is actually a Marketplace forum for selling and buying "Critters, Rock, Plants, etc", and not for asking questions about them. You're far from the first to be confused by that one. I'll see if I can get you moved into Reef Talk where you might get more answers.

I have had 10 mantis in my live rock so far. all smashers and none have bothered any of the fish.But my rock was aquacultered and had they plenty of food without having to go fishing.
If you want to keep them, they are easy to direct feed as long as you know where they live. Keep them fat and happy and they are unlikely to bother fish. However, my experience is that they will still go after crabs and snails even if they are well fed (they like sport?).
willray said:
I have had 10 mantis in my live rock so far..

10? that is a lot of smashers. Any green one you want to get rid of? Thanks
You guys are gonna have a riot with these mantis shrimp when you get them. I'm trying to trane mine to fetch my slippers now..
BTW, like Nate said. The spearers are the fish predator. The smasher is predatory of shelled animals, that's why they have 2 big hammers attached to them ;) But a smasher WILL take on a free meal where ever he can get it. If the mantis is hungry....alls fare!
We've had Al (our smasher) for 1.5 weeks, and he is a trip.

We think he's beginning to molt because he's been squirrling away larger rocks and doing massive rock smashing all over the tank, grabbing chunks of rock that he's busted off and dragging it into his cave. Today he was kinda shy taking food.. he was barely leaving his hole, and he was looking a little pale. We're thinking his old shell is about to come off. Probably won't see him for a week. David's doing a water change now. :) Go Al, GO!

Btw, One Eye, How often does your peacock molt? And does he have a name? :)

Melody, If he's pale he probably already molted and the new shell will color up as it hardens. And my 16 year old son has decided our mantis name is Napoleon Smashapart
I love the name.