Dosing while using Kalk top off!


1: Is ok to be raising my KH/CA levels, while I am using a kalk fresh water top off?

2: Currently my KH=9DKH and my CA=400PPM!
I would like to bring my KH level up just a bit, to stay on top of this Red Slime bacteria I have taken control of. I understand that I do not want to raise any of these levels with Kalkaser mix (Rather I will use the appropriate buffers), but how can I raise my KH level to about 10/11 DKH while keeping my CA level in its current desired range? Since they both coincide with one another, how do I raise the level of my KH, while not depleting my CA level?
Also; once these levels have been achieved, is it possible to sustain them while using kalk top off, even though the params will be out of balance?
Baking soda (or a bunch of other things) will do what you want. Use the chemsitry calculator to figure out how much to use;
Also note that when you use that calculator there will be a drop down menu with a list of different additives that can be used. Once you select one, a dialouge box will be filled in with any cautions or dosing instructions for the sepcific additive. Baking soda is a good option since it's cheap and you probably already have it :)

That said, I don't think raising your KH is going to do anything to fight your red slime problem.

Raising your KH won't affect your Ca unless you add too much too fast and possibly cause a precipitation event.
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