flourescent green cap


I bought a flourescent green cap the other day and it already looks like it is bleaching and some of the tissue has sluffed(I'm not sure how to spell this right now)off. All water parameters are at reqiired limits and my calcium is about 450 or so. I have 150 hqi MH lighting w/true actintic pcs. Any ideas what I should do? I'm new to the sps corals.....
What was your acclimation process and where is the piece in your tank right now? Are you starting it on the sand?? What is your ph and alk? Temp? Is it near another coral? Is it in with softees?
a large shift in light intensity or temperature can trigger bleaching. My orange cap, which I transfered into my 46 bowfront with much more intense lighting, bleached almost completely and seemingly lost a lot of tissue, but later recovered entirely and is thriving now, 6 months later. If the tank you bought it from was cooler or had less light intensity, this could be the case.
I bought it from a store, so it was under VHOs. I have it high in the tank now, right under the mh. Should I lower it????????/
Yes, I'd start it low or in the shade, and over a week bring it into brighter light. VHO to MH can be a bit of a shock. Caps don't need tons of light either, so it may not need to end up at the top of your tank.