Fuge algae question


less fish = more corals
Started my 35 gallon fuge up about 2 weeks ago, i put in some algae i had in my fuge at the store. now ive devloped some red algae (which i quickly try to get rid of) and also some hair algae just kinda floating around the fuge in a clump. Do i need to worry about this heading into other parts of my system? I do nont want this in my main tank. But fuges are supposed to devlope maco, so does anyone else get hair algae in the fuge?Started my 35 gallon fuge up about 2 weeks ago, i put in some algae i had in my fuge at the store. now ive developed some red algae (which i quickly try to get rid of) and also some hair algae just kinda floating around the fuge in a clump. Do i need to worry about this heading into other parts of my system? I do not want this in my main tank. But fuges are supposed to develope macro, so does anyone else get hair algae in the fuge?