Guide on how to post images in Threads - With step-by-step pics!

Howdy All,

I'm not certain if a thread like this already exists somewhere, and if so, my apologies. I have noticed many people commenting they are unsure of how to post images in forum threads for public sharing so I have pieced together a simple step-by-step guideline on how to do it with a free account.

There are of course, many ways to links pics, this is just a walkthrough for one-such method. Both images attached below were linked following theses 8 simple steps. Hope this helps!

Steps #1-4:

Steps #5-8
Thanks for the info.. I always had troubles posting images on the forum.. this explains why :) I need to create photobucket account.. Do you know if the same approach works with flickr or picassa?

Thanks for the info.. I always had troubles posting images on the forum.. this explains why :) I need to create photobucket account.. Do you know if the same approach works with flickr or picassa?


Glad to hear it helps :D. Honestly I haven't explored picassa or flickr yet but I would be surprised if they didn't offer a similar way to embed imaged in HTML forums.