Help! Silent Dual overflow


I have a 200 DD that I am currently plumbing for. Got a 1800gph Pump. Since this is in the living room, I need it to be dead silent.

Anyone running a dual overflow with the sump right underneath?

How is the noise level? How are you keeping it dead silent?
If you have 2 pipes going from the overflow into the sump you can try the herbie method. I did this on my HOB over flow and did it with my RR tank and it's beyond quiet... It just takes some tinkering to get it right...

Herbie method threads

And if you have three lines you can try this method (beananimal)
Second that.

Also, if you have 2 holes in each overflow, there is a way to set it up as a "bean" style, though @1800gph you may need more than the usual 1" drains. Otherwise, dual herbies will definately work, just be aware that they will need occasional adjustment.
I am running 1800gph due to inexperience. When I was planning the tank I wanted more flow. Plus I planned on making a manifold to run uv, phosban, carbon etc etc. It was either 1300 or 1800. 1300 at the time seem to little so I had settled on 1800.

I been reading up on both the herbie and bean method. Been thinking hard about doing the Bean method. I was unsure if a 1" return would be able to handle that much flow.
I would dial back your pump a lot or get a new pump and then see where you stand as well as instal a durso or herbie style drain.
I already have a durso system and I can still hear the noise. Might give the bean system a try but to fill 1 overflow with sand seems a little wasteful.
A bean or herbie will be quieter than anything a vented siphion (duros, stockman...) is capable of.
Not knocking the Herby thing but my setup patterned after that thread is darn near silent with minimal bubbles.To give an idea of how quite it is,I hear the water going over the overflow and not much else.One of the first things most people talk about is how quite it is,some have even doubted that it was running.