Last chance for my perculas


I've had a pair of percs for about 18 months. In that time I've had btas, zenia, nice big hammer coral, and now a beautiful, large RBTA that's taken up a prominent spot near them.

They've never, ever, ever showed interest in hosting anything. They're an established pair, doing the mating dance and everything, and the female has gotten noticeably bigger than the male.

All they've done for 18 months is hover in the back corner of the tank.

What can I do to get them to do something interesting? Is there any way to train them? I've tried a picture of clowns in BTAs taped to the tank. No luck.

Please offer advice, or offer a bid to take this pair home with you. I'm sick of them.
Confning the female near the rbta worked for me and I've heard of it working for a few others. Of course then she started hoasting that big cap rather than the anemone, but at least it was hosting. You can always watch my webcam and the new magnifica :)
you could get a maroon to host in the bta, but it might bight a finger or two off every time you stick your hand in the tank.

I think the females are more inclined to host as they get older too.
I guided my female oscellaris to the RBTA using net. I kept the net far away (7-8") so she can escape and run away from the RBTA and net if she want but she accidently touch one of the tenacle of RBTA and never leaved rose after that. Risky but worth a shot.
That is how I did it with the magnifica, I just used my hand to guide them over there a couple of times. They aren't really scarred of my hand by itself because I've made a point of feeding them by hand sometimes.
they need some fear in them to make them run for cover, to their host. tape a picture of a barracuda next to them.