Looking to the future - stocking new reef tank!


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
Ok so the fun part... While my 50 gallon tank is fallow for 10 weeks / 3 fish in QT I get to plan my livestock for my new 75 gallon reef tank w/ Sump.

Here is my wish list...
2 percula clowns - 6 years old
1 yellow goby 3 years old

New FISH: Will these work and what order should I add them after 6 weeks QT and hypo treatment.
Mandarin: although this is a new tank it will be seeded from my 15 year old 50 gallon tank. I will add him last and will hatch brine shrimp for him
Power blue tang OR blue hippo tang Are they both equal ich magnets and fussy? (my tank will be absolutely ich / cryp clean after 10 weeks!)
Yellow Tang:
Flame Angel: IF I add the PBT / YT / FA all at the same time will that reduce bullying?
Blue Spotted Jawfish: can one tank have both a jawfish and a goby? I would think I need to add the jawfish first to my new tank?
Scotts Wrasse:
I think I might be at capacity with this bio load already... If not-
Anthias: - princess or red
Banggai Cardinal:

water change / water change

I plan to keep soft soft corals / mushrooms / zoe's. I am new to reef keeping but have powerful new lights!

Dont put the mandarin through hypo. Do the tank transfer method with the mandarin. The 75 wont be big enough for either of those tangs long term. A bristletooth tang (tomini or kole) would be better at that tank size.
Ok Cole Tang.. I like them also... and only ONE. How about a Longnose butterflyfish?
