Mounting corals for rearrangement?


How do you folks like to secure corals in your tank so that they can be rearranged to find happy spot for everything?

I've used aquamend in the past, which is nice because corals don't go walkabout all the time, but moving them means doing a little chipping or prying.

Any better ideas out there?

Thanks, Nate
I use the clay type of epoxy sticks which dry grey and get covered in coraline so you cant tell its not a rock...easy to move around and blends well with other rock.=
i usually let if cure in a big glob...that way it just becomes its own rock/anchor. then I set it on others...the only way its hard to move is if you wedge it between rocks.
Snails crabs and current knock stuff off if I just set corals on the rock. I've got frags blowing all over my 30g right now, because I ran out of aquamend, and I don't want to secure new stuff since I'm moving into the 65 soon.

Rubberbands would probably work for some locations, and hold stuff in place long enough to see how they like it. Not a bad idea.
If I can't jam them in place between rocks well enough to foil any critters that knock them over I use aquamend. Although I have had problems with aquamend sticking to some rock surfaces and used super glue gel instead. If you use larger rocks to mount the frags on they seem to be more stable, however the premade plugs are nice to fit in small natural holes/cracks if it fits with your aquascaping.
Superglue if I have to. I use it to glue the small piece of rock the frag is on to a larger peice of rock. Breaks free rather easy. Mostly though I've just been wedging the rock in a crack or crevice.
zip ties! that'll work well through all the holes in this rock. Good idea for permanent, but removable mounting. Thanks Cindy. (by the way, did you guys take your tube of weld-on 16 with you? - Seems like a couple people left them behind)

Hey Nate -

I use super glue to adhere my frags to small, cement frag plugs... then Aquamend the plugs to the audition spot, using jus t asmall dolop (sp?) of Aquamend. That way, the frags still have a chance to encrust and feel 'stable' while you're trying them out in the spot. If you want to move the frag, you can just pull the entire plug and not distrurb the growth of the frag.

NateHanson said:
zip ties! that'll work well through all the holes in this rock. Good idea for permanent, but removable mounting. Thanks Cindy. (by the way, did you guys take your tube of weld-on 16 with you? - Seems like a couple people left them behind)

I think Eliot got it.

Also try the plastic string that kids use to make bracelets. You can get it very cheep at a craft store and it can be tied a little more discretely than a ziptie sometimes. You can also get it in any color.