mushroom question on boring friday


That's Mr.Murphy to you!
Hello peoples,

I have a rock almost completely covered in mushrooms that I got from Scott not too long ago. Here is a pic:

Notice the zoas? Well when the lights come on the mushrooms expand and almost completely cover the zoas. I'd like to grow out the zoas so my question is...Is there a safe way to remove the moshroom that is covering them?

Also...I'm completely bored at work today and I don't feel like doing much so I expect all you people to pick up the ball and generate lots of good stuff on this board this morning! :D
The best and safe way is to give me the zoos and I will grow it for you :D

I don't know about the mushrooms, but you can use a knife and take the zoos out of rock and super glue it to some other rock.
or you can crack the rock with a chissel that works and its fun....

beating things with a hammer is always fun
I would move the zoa's; otherwise, you will be back where you started from as the mushrooms continue to grow and spread.
You can always razor off the mushrooms closest to the zoos and reattach the mushrooms to another rock if you want to keep them. I like cracking the rock idea!! ;)
Problem with cracking the rock is that there is a shroom right next to the zoas. This would also make it hard to remove the zoas. Another thing is that these zoas are pretty small. They look much bigger in the picture. Each zoa is about half the size of a pencil eraser.

Oh yea...still bored...started singing Neil Diamond...I think I need help.
I agree with Wrassefan. A sharp razor blade can remove the shrooms, but they will often times grow back if any tissue is left, so you may have to repeat the process a few months from now. If you leave the shrooms in place they will always win with Zoathids, and they Zoathids will eventually die (but not as fast as other corals [like SPS] when in contact with muchrooms.
Thanks Greg. I recently found out we share employers, but I am located in Cambridge. Small world.
rubber bands or fishing line work well.
just tie the sucker to the rock. it'll attach in a few days.