My new contraption.


This is the new power controller I built. Not the coolest looking thing, but it gives me individual control over 6 outlets. The cool thing about it is that not only can you turn each outlet on and off with switches, but each outlet is also controllable by an external controller. I wired in a control port on the back so any cotroller that can provide contact closure. It seems to be working great so far and will be controlling my lights, pumps, heaters, fans, and skimmer via an external control system. I mainly put the switches there as overrides.
Do you have a wiring diagram made up for that or did you "build it as you go"? If you have a drawing could you post it? I would love to build something along those lines for my tank.

I built it as I went. It is basically a toggle switch controlled 12VDC relay that switches each outlet on and off. There is one relay for each outlet and you just have to make sure it can handle the 110V going through it (I believe mine handle up to 10A. In case you didn't know, on each duplex there is a tab that connects the two outlets. You need to break that of so they are independent.
that is a very cool idea!!! i could use something like that to control my pumps for cleaning or feeding instead of unplugging the dang things....
where did you get the box to house the outlets? did it come like that or did you cut it for them? can you take any pics of the guts and post them too!!!
again, very cool
I can't get pics of it right now, because it is up and running. The box is a standard 6" PVC junction box from home depot, and I cut the top with a dremel to fit the outlets. I'm actually going to order a custom aluminum cover from a company we go thru at work that cuts custum rack plates for us so it will look more professional. I can get pics when I swap that out.
is there enought room on the cover to put the corresponding switch above and below the outlet? the box looks pretty it much deeper than needed? is the whole box wired to one plug or are there several? oh boy here i go..tons of questions...i'll just wait till you get some pics up....ANDY
I originally wanted to put the switches there, but they really didn't fit. The box is very full from the relays, outlets, and I have a 12V transformer hard wired in there too. I actually like the switches on the side now, because now I don't need to stare staight at all the plugs.
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