Need to borrow tank moving containers (wmass)


Is there anyone in western mass that has some big rubbermaid containers or stuff I can use to transport a 34g tank and contents.

If you dont have anything i can borrow maybe suggest where I can get some for cheap?

Thanks again and looking forward to being back into reefinnnnnnn
i used bins from Home Depot. They are all about the same price. I have some you can borrow, but it is cheaper to buy one or two than drive to my house on the north shore.

Best of luck with the move. It is not fun - at least the fish/corals won't get cold.
Im going to be moving soon at the end of august I found that most hardare stores have those rubbermaid containers which cost around 10-30 bucks depending on how much your moving around those might just work for you try getting ur hands on a B11 battery pump to provide the Co2 for the fish the liverock should be fine for a couple hours try using a wet news paper on it in a containers everything else should be fine besides the corals if you put them in bags for a few they should make it thro the move try moving the the tank and equipment first and have some cycled water ready figure out ur aquascaping and plug your stuff in you should be good to go shortly after that O and clean the equipment would be nice IMO.
Thanks, I figured they had something at home depot. I hope to take some pictures and do a little thread of my own.
I have a 30g Rubbermaid "Brute" barrel and 2-5g ReefCrystal buckets if you wish to borrow.
One of the posts above talked about bins for 10-30 bucks. I was referring to the ones that are 18-24 gallons, and cost about 5-10 bucks with lids. They are great for storage contains when you are done... I highly recommend many contains as opposed to a few big ones. Those things get very heavy fast. You listed 34gal tank, which is nothing compared to moving my 90 gal, or some of the biggers that people have moved...your job is CAKE :)

I also put the corals in tupperware bowls with lids within the buckets. This seemed to keep things from sloshing into each other. I also only stacked rocks one layer deep and filled with enough water to mostly cover rock, and completely cover corals. This ends up being a lot of water and thus, a lot of weight, and thus lots of containers. For my 90, i used about 7 20gal containers, plus 3 jugs for water only.

Im going to be moving soon at the end of august I found that most hardare stores have those rubbermaid containers which cost around 10-30 bucks depending on how much your moving around those might just work for you try getting ur hands on a B11 battery pump to provide the Co2 for the fish the liverock should be fine for a couple hours try using a wet news paper on it in a containers everything else should be fine besides the corals if you put them in bags for a few they should make it thro the move try moving the the tank and equipment first and have some cycled water ready figure out ur aquascaping and plug your stuff in you should be good to go shortly after that O and clean the equipment would be nice IMO.

don't you mean oxygen?
I have an 18g plastic tote and a 46g Brute trash bin if you want to borrow it. Let me know via PM.