Pistol Shrimp Pair Sexing M vs F?


Saltwater OCD Victim
I have a pair of candy pistols that live paired up with my yasha goby and i've always known one was male, one female, as they share the same burrows all the time and came from the LFS together living in a shell that Greg didn't even know they were in (he didn't order them either).

But tonight I just noticed something I never noticed before, one has the large snapper claw on the left, while the other one has the large claw on the right. I'm assuming this could be a way of differentiating gender? Or is it just coincidence?
Both shrimp's bodies are the same size so I can't use that as an indicator (though i'm not sure the male/female ever is smaller anyways?)

Anyone else ever seen a pistol with a large claw on either the left or right opposite of usual specimens we tend to see?

Anyone else have a M/F pair of pistols like I do?

Happy to see all 3 are very happy and alive still in the pico. =]