Question for selling tank


When i moved to Boston, i was unable to bring my tank with me and my parents are taking care of it. However, they are no longer able to care for it and want to sell it. I was wondering if anyone could give me a general idea of a starting selling price, I don't remember what i paid for the tank and stand itself.

75gal AGA w/ AGA pine stand
sealife system W/D filter (rated for 90gal, if i remember correctly)
sealife system protein skimmer (rated to 125gal) $150 new
UV sterilzer (25W) (can't remember the brand) $150new

The tank was set up FOWLR so only a single strip light. I figured the fish would sell for about 1/2 of what was paid for them.

Thanks for any advice
I paid $95 for my 75G RR with a metal stand, 2 NO light strips and a box of powerheads
Just to give you something to compair to