Saltwater Feeder fish confirmed


I gave my feeder guppies a 2 day acclimation to saltwater from freshwater. I started with 10. 3 died, and I fed 4 to my lion within the first week. I kept 3 of the guppies alive for 2-3 weeks. I fed them marine flake food and they ate it with no problems. I fed 2 of the guppies to my lion and was left with one. So I kept it alone in my small feeder fish tank that is plumbed into my main tank and my sump. I kept it alive for over a month and fed it rugularly and it ate everytime. No signs of sickness and it was 100% healthy in saltwater and it looked great. I decided to feed it to my lion today as I had proved it can be done. With a 3 day acclimation I could probably get a 100% survival rate.

Just thought I would let people know they can be kept in slatwater and remain perfeclty healthy and parasite free making them a lot healthier and nutritional for the fish thats eating them. I had done lots of research trying to find success stories on keeping feeder guppies alive in saltwater and found nothing so here is the proof.
Just curious as to why you chose guppies over mollies? Mollies acclimate a lot more quickly, have a 100% survival rate and breed like rabbits in salt. So I am curious ... why guppies?

Mollies -- if you get the right kind -- are actually brackish water fish - which is why they are easier to acclimate and will breed. In the one study I could find, the big deal with freshwater versus saltwater feeders is the fat content. So goldfish are one of the worst feeder fish there are. Alternatively, ghost shrimp - whether salt or freshwater have acceptable fat levels. I will find the link when I have more time...
I only have a one gallon tank so I do not think mollies will breed in a tank that small. So I just plan on getting a bunch of guppies and feeding them and keeping them healthy so they become nutritional
I used to use ghost shrimp and loved using them BUT they used to be hard to find in NJ. Not sure about up here as I don't have the need.