Skimmer keeps overflowing!

Time to upgrade your skimmer to an ETSS Reef Devil which I just happen to have for sale................only kidding.
Have been watching this thread from the beginning, curious if the water is the culprit like you stated?
Yes it indeed appears as though the water was the culprit. I have yet to do the 50% WC (that's for tomorrow) but I just mixed 5 gallons of fresh SW with 5 gallons of my DT water in my 10g tank, and ran the skimmer and let it overflow which stopped after one full skimmer cup and now its running fine on there and pulling a bunch of nasty nasty nasty gunk out which leads me to believe that having that being the equivalent of a 50% WC that doing the 50% WC on my DT will (hopefully) enable to skimmer to properly operate on my DT as well. Tomorrow.

And that thing wouldn't work for me cuz I have no sump. ^_^
Just wanted to update you all that I did a 50% water change today and now the skimmer is running 100% perfect. I think we should all mark this as an example of how important skimmers are and just how dirty water can be even when not visibly dirty. That, and hopefully now we will all think to do a WC before blaming our skimmers for malfunctioning.

OH! And I got a blue spotted sea hare today, so that's for sale if anyone wants him after he's done.
Good to hear things are back on track.

FWIW, if something in the water was making the skimmer go nuts like that for so long, you might have some sort of contaminate in the water that has/had been affecting the surface tension of the water. If it were me, I'd run carbon for a while just in case if I was not not already running it.
Yep, just turned on an extra power head to give surface agitation and placed a carbon pad in front of it. Good call! Yeah it was definitely something in the water. Unfortunately, such poor water conditions gave my red sea sponge a turn for the worse and the entire base and then roughly an inch from there up is pure white and spreading. =\ I sadly think it is beyond saving, but sadly, sometimes things like that happen in our reef tanks, and will soon be replaced with another coral of some form if it does indeed deteriorate.