sump/refugium size


Fish Eater!
hey guys, im setting up 35 hex, and i have a set up all planned out and whatnot, but i have one problem. Im not sure exactly what size sump and refugium i should have. The stands are not very good with space, they are probably about 20 inches across side to side, 24 corner to corner. I was thinkin about going out and buying something like a 15 gallon hex and just building a split in the stand.

If any of you have had experience with hex tanks please let me know. I know circulation and lighting is a biotch, but i have plans.
can ya fit a 10g tank in your stand? if so look for my thread titled "10g sump/fuge complete". that is well but there are some things i'd change.

let me know what you think..

Can you put it in a cabnet or something next to the stand? That way you would have much greater leeway in selecting equiment and servicing it. You could also have a seperate refugium.
I agree with Cindy. The hex stand will be very limiting. If you can put a cabinet next to the stand you could have a nice sump in there with all the room you need, plus room for a top-off reservoir as well.

i might be able to fit a 10, but if i can it will be extremely snug. The width from edge to edge is 20 inches i believe on the hex same with the 10 gallon i have...i guess that would work but im wondering if that is too small for my 35 gallon tank....

btw i do like your sump/refugium setup, very cool and well built
the problem with the cabinet next to the hex is.....the tank sits in my room in my apartment. The space im my apartment is limiting and thats actually why i chose the hex tank because it doesn't take up as much floor space. I know....stupid me for not renting an apartment with enough floor space to support a larger tank! But...regarless, I will try to design something. the tank does sit right next to an entertainment stand which has large side compartments which i might be able to throw the refugium in....thanks for your help