Thanks PenMan and Family!


Thanks PenMan and family for my new cardinal!! He/She is getting along fabulously with my original fish. I still can't tell if I have two females, or a male and female. I do know that they are schooling/hanging together and haven't showed any hostility towards each other. I'm guessing I don't have two males.

It was a pleasure meeting you. Looking forward to seeing you again.



New fish is on the right. My original is on the left. Amazing how close in size eh? It worked out well.

They look awesome!!!
In the first pic, i thought it was the reflection. didnt know there's two.
Thanks! I had the first b.cardinal from howman. It was in a nano that I broke down. When I put him/her in the 75, it looked lost! I've been trying to find a playmate that was in and around the same size. Most at the LFS are older and beaten looking. This lil' fish is the perfect match for my original. Now...lets just hope I've got M & F!

I think that even if both are the same sex, one of them will switch. You'll have a M & F in short time.
Can anyone confirm or correct me there?
I'm busy "googling" all I can about mating/sexing. I knew how to keep my single fish fat and happy. Now I'm trying to figure them out socially. Socially? Maybe I should offer them some wine, cheeze and crackers ;)

PS.. Moe.. your purple monti is getting huge. I'm going to end up fragging your frag soon :) Get that tank running!!

I didn't think that they changed. But also was told that mulitpe males would fight. We have a group of about 10 in the main tank that school when the MH are off and the VHO are on. It is wild to a group like this in a tank. To bad they will not do it with all lights on. These are not babies, most are about 10 months old. We are still trying to trap some from the tank. Keep in touch on your pair. We have brine eggs to hatch if you get luck!
I have a brine hatchery in my sump/sumpfugium. I've been quite successful at keeping a steady stream of nauplii in the system. I also read a lot of info from Frank Marini PhD and others regarding raising the Pteragon Kauderni (Did this before searching for my fish). It seems that they will also take cyclopeeze within the first few days. Amazing. I'm always reading...always amazed.

Thanks again. Hows the purple Monti doing?

david, your welcome the monti is doing great. it got really nice color. i've found it takes about a week of baby bangaiis to eat cyclopeeze.
Do you believe that I wrote this thank you just in May...and they've already had babies!? Amazing!

Do any of you remember when Howard (Howman) was selling his babies...about two years ago? I'm trying to document this in my reef journal.

