tiny bubbles (not micro)


rebuilding the reef
I was rearranging some stuff this am, and I noticed these small bubbles. Kinda clear, but not like air bubbles. They remind me of bubble algae, but without the green color. :confused:

Good/ Bad? Any idea what it is? How to get rid of it? Do I need to worry about it?


Kinda the same color...not sure about the texture..didn't want to go poking at them if they were some sort of bubble algae.

They're actually much paler...you can see through them, but not as clear as air bubbles.

I wouldn't describe them as red or pink....best color description is what I said before....pale, translucent, resembles clusters of bubble algae. Is there such a thing as red bubble algae? :confused:

yup there is red bubble algea hard to see on my screen thought probably even harder to get a good pic too.
Sorry, but a number of attempts yielded nothing better in the pic department. They all look like that. So, any other thoughts, or should I assume this is bubble algae? :(

are there little stems conecting the bubbles? happens with bubble alea sometimes

could be tunicates
actually, yea I do....that would be a lot of baby bubbles, though. There seems to be "clusters" of the bubbles all throughout the skeletal structure. That's why I thought bubble algae.

Hmmm...gonna have to try to get a peak after lights out and see if it doesn't change. Otherwise, I think it's time to frag a chunk off to get a better look/pic. The stuff only seems to be growing inside of the skeleton. None are on the outside. :confused:
