220g sump flow ?


i have a perfecto 220RR with a diy 30g sump im usen a mag12 i wanna upgrade to a rio 32hf but idk the flow my overflows can handle thanks i wanna up grade to my diy 55g sump. tank is fw with a cple cichilds
First off I would try to steer you away from the rio because they used to have a nasty little habit of wearing out the impeller housing and eventually nuking tanks. I think they have improved on the design, but I wouldn't bet my tank on it.

Whatever pump you do use you should find the flow chart to see what it would be expected to flow in your application. With the flow chart you can plug in your "head loss" and then find the corresponding GPH that would be delivered. Usually it's not a bar graph, but this is what I found to go with the pump you are consiering

To get your head height you take the actual height the pump needs to lift the water, and then use a head loss calculator to add up the additional loss from friction due to the plumbing.http://www.reefcentral.com/index.php/head-loss-calculator

IIRC your tank has two overflows with 1- 1" and1- 3/4" bulkhead in each overflow. With the stock drains (duroso style) you should be able to get up to about 600gph through each of the 1" drains, but much less if you want it really quiet.
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I'd suggest looking into quality external pumps, that's what I prefer. Iwaki pumps with japanese motors are my favorite, but there are many other good options. If it must be submersible, I am a big fan of eheim pumps but like the japanese motored iwakis you get what you pay for, or rather you PAY for what you get :)

Another option might be the newer "waterblaster" pumps which are supposed to be pretty good and use a lot less electricity (and I think they are submersible) but I have never used one personally.
i would love to build a 90g sump but only if i do a external pumps do to the hight of the 90g but if i do external that would be a killer sump on a 220g the main thing i need to service is the filter pads so may just go that rout ps how do they work though i have only done internal thanks Tim
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