A good place to get a reasonably priced maxima clam?


Saltwater OCD Victim
I'm thinking about buying a blur/purple maxima clam. Either grade A or B, doesn't matter much long as I like the coloration and pattern. I've looked at a few LFSs here and there but lowest price I saw so far was around $70 and they were real small and i've heard the small ones are hard to care for? I mean I don't want a BIG one either, but I was wondering if anywhere sells them for less than $70 that are big enough to no longer be juvenille and need special care. And yes, I know "you get what you pay for" so i'm asking if there's anywhere with a lower price that still has respectable quality? I'd buy online but it'd have to be WYSIWYG and that can be expensive too. Do people on here ever sell theirs? Or their babies (do they even reproduce in home aquariums?)
Also, i've gotten mixed opinions on if a maxima clam would live healthy on my sandbed in a 29g with a 4x24 TekLight T5 fixture. Some people say it's not enough lighting and others say it is. More opinions?
I have a blue maxima in the sandbed in a 90 gallon with T5's and it is doing GREAT!!! I bought mine months ago at Sea Creatures in Johnston RI. He has healthy livestock at great prices.
I have a blue maxima in the sandbed in a 90 gallon with T5's and it is doing GREAT!!! I bought mine months ago at Sea Creatures in Johnston RI. He has healthy livestock at great prices.

Could you possibly PM me with the price you paid and how big it was?
Also, am I correct on the small species being difficult to keep? I could've sworn I read that if they are 2 inches or smaller that they need special care or something? Or are more prone to dying and that's when they need the higher halide lighting? IDK I thought I remembered reading that?
old school use to be that you had to feed small clams under 2"...that is no longer true...lighting and water quality...a clam will jump of the rocks if it is not happy. I keep a crocea in my 25 6" from the surface under a 250 de 10k...
Maxima's like to be placed on a rock or some thing hard like maybe a tile. They will place there foot on it and move to the flow and light they like. I bought a small one from Jeremy about 4 mouth ago and it's doing great and has grown alot.
What do you do when it grows too big for the rock it's on? Do you have to remove and sell the whole rock? Cuz I only have a 29g and I know these things can get big over the years.
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