AI 16HD Led for 29 biocube???

An AI Prime 16HD put out a lot of light, two Prime 16 HD actually will out shine a single Hydra32HD, and they actually will get you to a level close to Hydra 64HD.

It is very interesting how AI line up their led lights:
Hydra 64HD is 135w
Hydra 32 HD is 90w
Prime 16 HD is 59w

So two Prime 16HD will give you 118w, that is pretty close to the 135W Hydra 64HD since one most likely not going to run the Hydra 64HD at max power due to the heat generated from 4 very closely positioned led clusters.

you can space the two Prime further away to maximize coverage.

The AI prime 16HD is a wonderful LED and has the best bang of the $. There have been known for a long time, actually started by AI themselves, to cover a tank with multiple Primes since Prime came to the market.

I am a retailer that sell Reefbreeders, AI, Radion LED.
The reason to choose one over the other is purely based on the type of coral to keep, the tank size, one’s preference and budget.

in terms value, reliability and warranty service. I highly recommend Reefbreeders led.
Hey thanks!
I really appreciate all of that information. I didn't know the wattage of the 64, thats alot to think about.
Getting the 16 now, even if I move up some day i can add another 16, or more, and have a really versatile set up.
I got the prime last saturday and it's awesome!!!
I messed around with the settings the first day then after searching around downloaded the Saxby preset. I love it so far in the FOWLR, and i look forward to seeing how it plays out with corals. I'll start with soft ones. I did modify the Saxby preset by adding a little bit of blues and moonlight from the end of the light cycle to the beginning. His ssettins have full darkness, lights out over night, i wanted a little bit of light. 1 to 2% of some blues and 1 to 3% of moon. I vary the amount and times a bit over night to simulate clouds etc.

I really appreciate all the help and info from everyone. Its my first modern led and my first reef attempt.
Im running on my new " algae buster" preset, basically next to no light, due to a diatoms outbreak...
I got the prime last saturday and it's awesome!!!
I messed around with the settings the first day then after searching around downloaded the Saxby preset. I love it so far in the FOWLR, and i look forward to seeing how it plays out with corals. I'll start with soft ones. I did modify the Saxby preset by adding a little bit of blues and moonlight from the end of the light cycle to the beginning. His ssettins have full darkness, lights out over night, i wanted a little bit of light. 1 to 2% of some blues and 1 to 3% of moon. I vary the amount and times a bit over night to simulate clouds etc.

I really appreciate all the help and info from everyone. Its my first modern led and my first reef attempt.
Im running on my new " algae buster" preset, basically next to no light, due to a diatoms outbreak...
Soft corals are nearly indestructible. No luck needed!
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