Feather duster Food?

They seem to enjoy french maids.

Freeze dried powdered coral foods you mix with tank water and pour in with skimmer/filtration circuit turned off might help too. My tank has thousands of mini white feather dusters that never seem to die and only proliferate. I rarely feed anything except mysis and some plant based foods for the fish. Lots of sponges in my tank too. Turkeybasting your rock or stirring g your sediment will turn up particulate matter filter feeders can live on too. See some of the older references, Delbeek and Sprung, Wilkens, Fossa and Nielsen... all of those masters of the hobby advocated for regular stirring of detritus, to feed the filter/deposit feeders.
Benepets and gonipower is fine powder to target or broadcast. Mix up with some zoo plankton, phyto, and feed into tank. Wont cloud. Everything will love ya.
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