H. Magnifica (aka Ritteri) anemone


Now with more baby
Well, we finally got some serious lighting and some serious chaotic flow so I felt I was ready to try the critter I've had in mind the whole time I've been planning this tank- a magnifica anemone. They are one of the few natural hosts for ocellaris clowns, but they are one of the toughest anemones to keep.

I got a purple based one that seemed undamaged, but it looked stressed in the store from shipping. The mouth was gaping , but the foot looked undamaged, so I gave it a shot.

It seems to have acclimated well and has started to take food put at its mouth although the tenticles won't pull food in yet. The mouth is tight most of the time now. The tenticles sometimes deflate especially when I shut off the flow for feding the corals, but they usually look full.

These buggers can get big and I will move corals out of the way as it grows.

live video here: http://lebsacks.dyndns.org:8080/ (well, the lights are off now you can still see a little bit, you'll have to look later) username=fish pass=food

A few pics from right after the clowns started hosting here: http://flightyl.blogspot.com

Who else has one of these guys or has tried one in the past?
Gustavo has two of them. His original is HUGE. We accidentally tore it when we moved his tank this Winter. We never thought the little one would survive. It's playing "peekaboo" in his tank, but it is there, and healthy, in the back of his reef. The big one is a centerpiece in his reef.
I could sit here and watch your anemone and clowns all day.. 'course...I'd get fired...but I could!

That is some SERIOUS flow in there Cindy.

The lights aren't on, but with the room light the anemone and clowns show up well. (the thing flying around the tank is the feeding cage which came loose)

Less flow than this and the anemone starts to get droopy. They live in the highest surf areas in the wild and are sometimes completely exposed at the lowest tides. I'm still a little worried about this guy. His mouth mostly stays tight now, but there is always a bulge behind it. I'm not sure if that is normal.

The survival rate for magnificas for the first two months is dismal. Even ones that are doing well for a long time often die. With the amount of equipment and space these guys require I always wonder about all the ones that get sold at the LFS. Pretty sad really.
I saw the feeding cage *L* and I'm not sure who is more interested in the anemone...me...the clowns...or the cute dog that keeps running in and peeking at me...while I'm peeking at all of you :)

I'm sure it'll do well in your care.

About noon, but they drown out the picture a little with this crummy camera. I'll try opening some blinds to get some more room light for now.
:D There goes that feeding cage again... C'mon Cindy...time to take the shirt off and get it... Kidding!! I'll check back on that anemone during lunch. Have a stellar day!

Ok, this is a little creepy ;)

If the camera is shaking it usually meens the cat has jumped up on the table to watch the fish.

Oops, the feeding cage fell down again and the fish are chasing it to get their lunch. Darn this high flow. I'll have to redesign the holder.
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~Flighty~ said:
Ok, this is a little creepy.
And we're only the creeps you know about. :)

How about all those sweaty-palmed scuzballs, sitting in a dark corner somewhere searching the internet for hot clownfish-on-anemone peepshows? :eek:
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NateHanson said:
How about all those sweaty-palmed scuzballs, sitting in a dark corner somewhere searching the internet for hot clownfish-on-anemone peepshows? :eek:


I've been peeking every now and then but now I feel a bit weird :rolleyes: :D

Here is a pic of my magnifica just after it split a couple of years ago....I have had it in my 72 gal bow tank for almost three years and the clowns still host in it.



  • Magnifica.JPG
    83 KB · Views: 512
Nice! I think successfull splitting of these guys is pretty rare. Is that a purple base or a pink one? I am keeping my eye out for a pink base one. I figure if I'm going to have a deticated tank I might as well go all out and eventually get two.

BTW mine is balling up right now. It seems to do that when it is shifting position. I think it is getting impatient for the MHs.
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Where did you get your anemone? I also am planning a spot in my 400 G tank for the same species, my pink skunk clowns have been waiting patiently in a bunch of brown E. quadricolors. Chuck Styro also has had one for many years that continues to do well.

Anyone out there with a baby H. Magnifica looking for a new home?
They got two nice ones in at Aqua Addicts (funny how every time I mention something expensive that I'm looking for they seem to get some in the very next week :confused: :rolleyes: )

They came in looking pretty good for fresh out of the bag, but they didn't really improve in the anemone tank (chemical warfare between different types of anemones seems to be very hard on these guys) They moved them to the clam tank and they started to perk up fast. If I was to do it again I would confirm that it was looking good in the bag with no tears in the foot and an ok looking mouth and color and get it imediately without letting it sit in a store tank.
Craig (and anyone else who has had one) Do you have any pointers on husbandry? What are you feeding it? Mine seems to like krill the best so far.
I do!!! :D

But she is not looking for a new home yet!

She need's to get a little bigger.
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