Help needed with Reefkeeper lite


My sister Kim just purchased a used 125 gal system which came with a reefkeeper lite controller and 2 pc 4's. I don't have a clue as to how to update, setup and program it (Online manual only confuses me.)

I was hoping someone had a bit of time this evening to help us out. (We are located in the Roslindale section of Boston.)

The best way to reach me is by phone at 617-553-0988

We are hoping to control and monitor the following.

1 - Ph
2 - Salinity
3 - Lights
4 - Fans
5 - Skimmer
6 - UV sterilizer
7 - Phosban reactor
8 - Koralia wavemaker (Turn off for feeding)
9 - Heater
10- Return pump

Best bet is to check out their website and go onto the forum. I found all my questions had already been asked and answered on there with step by step instructions. Good luck!