How to measure FREE CURRENT


I have noticed on a few occasions when i reach into the tank a mild tingling in my cuticles (the most exposed part of me). I'm guessing it's a free current released from one of my powerheads or heater..

WHen I used my FLUKE meter, with one end to ground and the other in the tank, I couldnt get any reading AC or DC. Is there a way to measure better?

I would have guessed if it was a true free current from a bad powerhead it would read at or near the 120v AC (albeit a low current)...


Also how bad is it for the tank if it IS there?
I have that when I put my hand into the tank... I just thought that it was the salt doing that. How do I get rid of it?
its a grade of stainless steel, it won't rust or corrode in saltwater. too bad you didn't post before the meeting, I'd have brought you a piece!
If the tingling is only in your cuticles then it probably is just the salt and bacteria getting under your skin. If there was free current in the tank you would probably feel it all up your arm and to wherever you are touching ground but you would likely not feel it at all being that it is usually only mA or uA.
I use titanium grouding rod from Dr. Foster and Smith. $16 each with a solid titanium rod.
I've also read to make your own it is best to get a titanium bike spoke at a bike store and then do just like dave601m said. If you figure out a way to actually get the right reading I would like to hear how you do it. I've tried with my fluke as well and not got any sensible readings.
i've measured it by submerging the red lead in the tank, and the black in to the grounding hole in an outlet. you won't get 110 volts, you'll get a much lower value. the value isn't really whats important, its the change in value as you turn equipment on. start with everything off, and turn them on one at a time until you see the voltage jump. whatever makes it jump is your source of the leak. don't forget (like I did) to make sure the heaters are actually on when you check it.