I added 6 fish to my tank and it broke out in algae


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BRS Member
I’m thinking the addition of the 6 fish is what caused it but I can’t get it to clear and it’s ruining my coral. Any advice here?
I’m sorry should of gave more info my bad. 3 clowns a six line wrasse and 2 dotty backs it’s roughly 160 gallons total volume. It was over the course of 2 weeks I probably went to aggressive in hindsight. Looks like diatoms anyway to get it to back down or do I just ride it out? I’m assuming the addition of the fish through off the balance of my tank. Anything I can do here or just keep waiting.
How new is the tank? It might just be normal "maturing tank" algae blooms.

Those smaller fish in a large volume shouldn't cause algae. It's not much different than adding one bigger tang.
The tank is around 7-8 months still relatively new but I already went through all the algae phases.
The issue I’m having is the algae grows on my corals overnight and causes some not to open.
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