Jaw fish


I am in Raynham
HI group.

I am starting to build my fish list for the new tank and one on the list is a jawfish.
I did some googling to see about finding a cool way of making them a cave with tubing or something hoping they would settle down in the open and front so they can be seen.

However, I am not finding much on them that isnt at least 10 years old. Also lots of talk about blue jaw disease.

any info would be appreciated.
I'd just make sure I had a large enough tank and deep enough sand bed and let him do what he wants. If you get a healthy fish, they're usually pretty active. Even if you don't see him right away it'll only be a matter of time before he's up front and watching everything going on.
Many are shy (which also can depend on tankmates). They can have a very hard time acclimating with bully fish in the tank.

They are also wicked good jumpers. Mine jumped from my totally covered tank... still not sure how. That was a yellowfin / pearly jawfish who was super bold, right in my front corner and always hovering out of his burrow. Also previously had a dusky jawfish for a long time. Ugly but hardy.

Keep in mind they will make their burrow where they want, not where you think they should be. Need at least several inches of sand plus rock rubble pieces for building. I set up a tank with jawfish specifically in mind - had a 6" sand bed behind a little barrier embankment. Jawfish set up in front of that instead in about 1.5" of sand. Make sure ALL your rockwork is secure on the bottom glass with sand added after, since they may burrow in an unexpected spot and you don't want a collapse.

I have also heard that the blue spots have a poor record & need cooler temps (mid 70s).
I really like my jaw fish, which is the much hardier yellow fin/pearly, but definitely give them a good amount of sand and lots of small ruble rock to line their cave with. I have mine in a very deep sandbed (~ 8") and he/she uses all of it. The cave they have hollowed out is quite large (it is pretty incredible actually). Also, be prepared for a lot of sand in the water while they dig.
I have a black head jawfish and he is definitely on some form of Peyote or LSD or something...

He does make his bed wherever he prefers and he a total whack job.

Fun fish without question...
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