Local guy looking to learn!


What a great close-knit forum! I have been looking into Salt Water setups for a couple months and recently came across this site. I have been scouring ebay, various forums, and reading what I can find in an effort to gain enough knowledge to make that initial leap:) I have no prior experience with aquariums but I really would like to get started. I was wondering if there were any meetings, get togethers, tank moves, or other local (Weymouth area) people that I could meet up with to accellerate my knowledge and preparedness. I do plan on starting slow 55+ gallon tank that will be slowly built. I am also keen on energy saving and efficiency (Alternative fuels is another hobby) so I want to do it right the first time;) So any guidance or help that can be provided would be greatly appriciated!

Welcome Zack!

The BRS is one of the largest salt-water enthusiasts club in the country.

Beyond the online forum, we hold monthly meeting in various locations to accomodate for the large area that our membership cover. You can expect to catch top-notch educators and speakers month in and out. Lat month we had close to 120 members attend a meeting with Rob Toonen! In addition there is much to be learned from our members. There is, IMO, no substitute for experience and there are great people out there who are willing to share.

With our annual auction to be announced, you have found us in the nick of time.

Join up at the next meeting and have fun!

I live in Weymouth as well.

3 replies in about 5 minutes, I am floored:D Could you share some more about the auction coming up? I have yet to buy any equipment as I have learned with past projects starting out with a plan saves headaches and $$. Also if anyone needs an extra hand doing something like tank move, setup, etc I would be glad to for the experience! I am really looking forward to getting a setup going but I am having trouble figuring out exactly where to start:rolleyes:

Welcome to the BRS Zach! I live down the Cape in Mashpee (exit 2) - not too too far from Weymouth. You can come down any time to visit and talk fish! Just shoot me a pm...

Hi Zach!

Welcome to the club. Glad you found us. This is a great bunch of folks with an enormous amount of accumulated knowledge.

Watch the forums here for used equipment for sale. In fact I have a reef ready complete 55 gal for sale :rolleyes:
Hi Zack, Welcome! I am in Attleboro area and also a newbie to SW fish. This is an awesome place to learn and to meet people from massachusetts. In the first week of joining, I met four members while visiting various LFS's. Hope you find this hobby fulfilling and exciting.....just patience.....patience......patience!
I learn something new here everyday.... and i've met some of the people from here, all very nice and glad to lend a hand... my hat off to all the good people of the BRS!!!
Upcoming Events

June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
