New from Florence/ North Hampton


Hello All ,

Recently moved here from NC in May . Stuck in an apartment for a year . Not new to reef tanks . Have had saltwater since a teenager and a reef of some sort up and running since 1993 +- .. Been a RC member since 2002
I have downgraded to a NANO 17.5 + 10 gallon sump .
No bigger tank until the move in a year or so . Not sure if I should post my build thread here or direct everyone to RC under the nano forum .
I can't wait to get a larger cube ..My SKIMZ -SK 201 cone is ready to give me some serious nog ..
I thank GHiller for reading my RC PM to get me started . (i think )
I have chatted with Bobofin about leds in the past but I did not mention relocating here .
My other half advised to join this one and CTARS .. ur thoughts
Boston is 1.5 hours away .. I know I just made the trip to Lahey clinic Tuesday ..
Anywho I am rambling ....

TIA mordibv -

Here was my tank cycling a month or two ago
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@pallobi ..
Thanks for posting that for me .
BTW .. I did get the panic's peach nasuta ..
Snap , I forget u read my RC thread ... LOL

LOL, that was you!!! NICE!

small world!! :D

well, you found yourself one killer local reef club my friend ;)
sup.........welcome...tank is's not the size!!! ;) glad to see u sticking with it!!! (from a 2 decade plus saltwater box junkie)
Upcoming Events

June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
