Started a Bio14, Added copepods what else should I add rotifers?



I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction here. I'm getting some cheato for my refug, is there anything else I could add plankton, or other algea? Links or decent books I should get?

Thanks for the Help
Hey there, I'm Dave. I am located in Gloucester as well. I have a 15 gallon nano reef. Let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything and I will do my best.
I'm Jamie I have a biocube14. With just a scooter blenny and a chromis, a cleaner shrimp and a cleanup crew. I added some cheato in my refug, I'm waiting for my nitrates to lower before i start adding some coral. Where is the closest place that you get your supplies from? I work in Lexington, so I stop at the Petco in Woburn.