Temperature rise


Has anybody else seen a rise in their temp. with the warmer weather? My tank seems to have gone up 2 1/2 degrees. Could this also cause a frag of montipora capricornus to turn white? TIA.:confused:
Your tank temp will rise when your room temp rises. How warm did the tank get? Mine has gone slightly over 85 with no bleaching of corals. How big is the tank? This is a big part of how quickly the temp will rise.
it rose frome 78 to 80.8. It is a 55 gallon. Now that I think about it I added a power head last Wed. Maybe that could be the problem.
I noticed a 2+ increase the last couple days. .
I didn't notice any changes in color of any of our corals.
I think this season those of us without chillers are going to have to be very cautious, as a matter of fact I'm ordering a huge multiroom a/c unit this week. I hope that will help this summer.
Any opinion on that?
HalfLung said:
it rose frome 78 to 80.8. It is a 55 gallon. Now that I think about it I added a power head last Wed. Maybe that could be the problem.
That's not the cause. My tank swings from 79 to 82 every day.
[I'm ordering a huge multiroom a/c unit this week. I hope that will help this summer.
Any opinion on that?] Quote

YES IT WILL! I have one in my living room to keep my 125 stable works well.
Yeah, I don't think the temp killed your monti, but you should think about how to avoid temp spikes as the weather continues to warm. Pretty soon 70 will be 80, and then we'll hit 90 a couple times, and you need to cool that tank somehow. There's a thread on here from a couple days ago about warm weather tips for newbies or something like that.

As for a big AC, that's a good way to deal with it. In some ways it makes more sense than having a chiller in the room, because a chiller removes heat from the tank, and dumps it into the surrounding air. So the more you chill, the more your tank wants to heat up, and the hotter your room gets. AC will keep both you and your tank nice and cool - poor perhaps, but cool. :)
Yes I saw that post a few days ago. I used the frozen water bottles last summer. The tank was just getting going back then and didn't have much livestock in it. I am also thinking another a/c unit.
Fans over a turbulent water surface do an amazing amount to cool a tank too.

Even when I had a basement sump, if I didn't run fans over the sump my temp would start to rise on warmer days, but with two 8" fans blowing directly down into the tank my heaters would cycle sometimes on a hot day!
Thanks Nate I will try that when I get home. I did unplug the extra power head before I left the house this morning. I will be curious to see if the temp went down. If it did I suppose I will have to plug it back in to see if it was the culprit or not seeing as the outdoor temp has gone back down.
Instead of unplugging your powerhead, I'd point it partially towards the surface. a turbulent surface will help cool the tank.
nate, how much evap are you seeing each day with the forced air over the sump, and how big (surface area) is your sump? I'm just curious because my sump is tiny, if i lose too much water i'll burn out my return.
Basement is 68.6, tank went to just over 80 today
But it is supposed to only be in the 50's for the next week
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