Terrible brown jelly outbreak


My tank is going through a really rough bacterial infection. It started with an octospawn brown jellying seemingly overnight 4 weeks ago. Since then I've lost a splatter hammer, a heliofungia, another frogspawn, my HG torch, my malasian HG torch, and most recently my magic carpet mushrooms. Many $1000's in coral losses. I've also lost single heads of other torch colonies which I had to frag off. Just noticed another dead head on a large torch colony this morning. I've been pulling affected corals and doing KFC dips as best I can. I already did the 0.125 mg/L cipro in tank treatment (3 doses over 6 days) twice. I'm already running and have been running UV and ozone. My SPS are unaffected, my manual testing and ICP tests are spot on so I don't think it's parameter related, definetly bacterial.

I don't want to make a bad situation worse but it's time for more drastic measures or else I'll be left with an SPS only tank. This article recommends 1mg/gallon cipro every other day for 10 days: https://reefbuilders.com/2023/04/10...TC0FGwWLH9lodD8dXlM3XLG0ek2nspQNmokQibicSvefg while the KFC in tank instructions call for 5mg/gallon 3 days in a row plus adding 5mg/gallon amoxicillin and erythromycin. I'm not sure which to try.

My tank is going through a really rough bacterial infection. It started with an octospawn brown jellying seemingly overnight 4 weeks ago. Since then I've lost a splatter hammer, a heliofungia, another frogspawn, my HG torch, my malasian HG torch, and most recently my magic carpet mushrooms. Many $1000's in coral losses. I've also lost single heads of other torch colonies which I had to frag off. Just noticed another dead head on a large torch colony this morning. I've been pulling affected corals and doing KFC dips as best I can. I already did the 0.125 mg/L cipro in tank treatment (3 doses over 6 days) twice. I'm already running and have been running UV and ozone. My SPS are unaffected, my manual testing and ICP tests are spot on so I don't think it's parameter related, definetly bacterial.

I don't want to make a bad situation worse but it's time for more drastic measures or else I'll be left with an SPS only tank. This article recommends 1mg/gallon cipro every other day for 10 days: https://reefbuilders.com/2023/04/10...TC0FGwWLH9lodD8dXlM3XLG0ek2nspQNmokQibicSvefg while the KFC in tank instructions call for 5mg/gallon 3 days in a row plus adding 5mg/gallon amoxicillin and erythromycin. I'm not sure which to try.

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I would go with KFC instructions. You can reach out to Danny on Instagram he’s very responsive
Good luck
I’ve heard there’s some euphyllia eating flatworms going around our area, doesn’t answer some of the losses mentioned but I wouldn’t overlook it. My torch hammer and frogspawn collection is whittling down as well. I’m on my second dip treatment of flatworm exit see if I can prevent anymore losses(I haven’t found any concrete evidence of the flatworms). I was losing a head of my joker torch then after dip it has stopped I lost that one head but the other two heads look good. And the dip had no other negative side effects they were back open and happy shortly after going back in the tank.
I am still going through this with my corals. Did everything above you mentioned. In tank KFC treatments. KFC dips on my torch colonies. Did very concentrated Cipro dips recommended by another reputable vendor in the game. I'm still losing things. I feel your pain. At this point I'm just letting it play out. I've done everything in my power and knowledge that I have. I've lost about 10 torches, bunch of hammers frogspawn Etc. I hope you find an answer, wish I had a solution for you but I've still yet to find one
I am still going through this with my corals. Did everything above you mentioned. In tank KFC treatments. KFC dips on my torch colonies. Did very concentrated Cipro dips recommended by another reputable vendor in the game. I'm still losing things. I feel your pain. At this point I'm just letting it play out. I've done everything in my power and knowledge that I have. I've lost about 10 torches, bunch of hammers frogspawn Etc. I hope you find an answer, wish I had a solution for you but I've still yet to find one
Man that truly sucks to hear. I went through a brown jelly episode once 10 months ago and the 0.125mg/L cipro worked perfectly. This time it didn't. I'm starting the KFC in tank treatment tonight at lights out. I have to at least try. Its sucks because my tank looks amazing but every other day I'm losing a coral or a single coral head to this. I don't even know what caused it. I didn't add anything new in months, I didn't have any major parameter swings. I test weekly and do monthly ICP tests and do reef moonshiners. The only thing I can think of is that my UV sterilizer ballast broke a few weeks before my first coral died so it may have given some bad bacteria a chance to proliferate. Its strange too because the first time I had brown jelly I looked at a sample under the microscope and it was crawling with cilliates. This time there are no cilliates just little brown immobile balls.
I've reached out to Aquabiomics, to see what their process is. I'll let you know what I come up with. Apparently it's DNA testing for your tank for its good or bad bacterial load. They have kits available. That will most likely be my next step
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